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PBL Interns

At Northwest, we strive to be a leader in profession-based learning, a set of experiences developed through industry and community collaborations and partnerships, preparing all Northwest students for life-long learning, in their careers and as citizens. Career Services has developed paid on-campus profession-based internships in an effort to development new opportunities for Northwest students to engage in profession-based learning internships on-campus, to increase exposure of such opportunities to a broad audience and to encourage cross-departmental collaboration.

This model allows units to accomplish project-based work as well as explore justification for potential future student employment positions/funds. These internships (which may or may not be taken for academic credit) are paid by Career Services up to 150 hours.

How it Works:

  1. If you are interested, please complete the PBL Internship Application Form for consideration. 
  2. Career Services will evaluate the possibility of funding your project and reach out with next steps.
  3. Career Services and the partnering unit will then circulate the internship opening, conduct hiring together and would serve as joint supervisors of the selected candidate.

Information for partners/clients/units

How do I apply for a PBL Intern?

Interested units should complete the PBL Internship Application Form for consideration as a PBL Intern partner. The department should state their interest in having an intern and what specific tasks the intern would be performing. The tasks performed should be specific to the units needs for the profession-based learning experience.


Is there a cost to my department or unit?

No all PBL Interns are funded by Career Services (up to 150 hours). We only ask that your department or unit partner with us in the hiring process and supervision on the interns.


Who do I contact with questions about PBL Internships?

For additional information about the program please contact:


Travis Kline
Assistant Director of Career Services
Northwest Missouri State University
130 Administration Building

Information for students

Can I do an PBL Internship for academic credit?

Yes, but you do not have to get credit for the internship. You will be paid for your time just like any other campus employment. If you wish to receive academic credit for the experience you will need to work with your academic advisor and school or department. Each academic areas has unique requirements and guidelines for internships so you will need to work with them to see if this experience meets your needs for credit.


If I do the internship or credit do I have to pay for it?

Yes, all internship classes require the student to pay tuition just like any other class on campus.


Are there set requirements for PBL Interns?

Interns will be expected to provide deliverables to Career Services and their unit supervisor. The expectations of these will be shared with the intern at the start of the internship.